Raspberry Pi Starter Kit with IR Remote Control (US Warehouse)
509 g
Die Beschreibung
A great basic starter kit for anyone wanting to get into this fascinating hobby.
The kit contains the basic components to build a range of projects, including a stepper motor, LEDs and infra-red remote control.
T GPIO extension plate V1
40p rainbow row line
5V Stepper motor
Driver board
18 b20 temperature element
DHT11 temperature moderate element
PL2303 1m long black flash line
The human body infrared pyroelectric
IR remote control unit
1602 LCD screen
Adjustable 10k poteniometer
1 x 40 row needle
Photosensitive resistor x 2
5V single channel relay
Yellow hat button x 2
Red hat button x 2
Three color 1 plug-in components
830 Hole quality bread plate 1
F5 LED red x 2
F5 LED yellow x 2
F5 LED green x 2
560R Resistor x 10
5.1 K Resistor
10 k Resistor
IR Receiver
501 Receiver case
Die Dynamik der Preise
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